Hayley Pearce

Head of IT and Technology Recruitment

Hayley Pearce

CORE Profile

If you are looking for a superhero recruiter look no further.


By day: I work on all things tech from IT director to support within hospitality, FMCG and retail. Also more technical roles in product, development, data and sales. I have, and continue to work with some fantastic, exciting hospitality saas companies and have loved seeing the evolution of this sector over the last few years. I can be easily distracted by conversations about food, anything aquatic (animals or sports) and running (I’m terrible and want to get better).


By night (and occasional weekends): After a quick phone box change, I become a PADI scuba instructor. Giving people their first underwater breathing experience or teaching basic scuba skills in a pool or lake. Here I can also be distracted by talk of food, but mostly by what exciting locations people have been or are going diving in.


Not all heroes wear capes.


What do you enjoy most?

I love speaking to people! I like to hear people’s stories, about their businesses, and what their aspirations are. I can then use this to make long term placements and good career moves.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an Olympic Synchronised Swimmer. That or a Physiotherapist… probably for the Olympic synchronised swimming team

What do you do when you’re not in work?

Scuba diving mostly. Just add water!