Using internal jargon
For instance, your CRM database may be known company-wide as 'Knowledge-Bank', but requiring 'Knowledge-Bank implementation proficiency' on a job description will mean little to external candidates. Stick to well-recognised terms and requirements to appeal to the widest possible audience.
Not involving all stakeholders
The most accurate specifications are produced with the involvement of several different business areas. When defining or refining what a role entails, do so with the input of HR, line management and employees in a similar function.
Being unrealistic
A job description should be an accurate representation of the track record required to perform the role, not an impossible wish list of every skill that may come in useful.
Using discriminatory language
Although frequently inadvertent, the use of certain words and phrases in a job description can be construed as discriminatory and limit the diverse applicant group that organisations strive for.
Not regularly reviewing
Organisations are constantly evolving, so for job descriptions to reflect changing requirements they should be reviewed, ideally annually, and amended as appropriate.
Taking the time to craft an accurate job description can be invaluable to the on-going attraction, hiring and retention of employees.